Friday, March 27, 2015


There's Something About Today's Politics
Posted by Wiley, March 12, 2015

If you thought the last Congress was a "do nothing" Congress, you ain't seen nothing yet.  The savage attack on the President comes via a letter to the Government of Iran,  signed by 47 Republican Party (GOP) members in the U. S., Senate stating that the U. S. President can't be trusted to live up to any agreement on the Iranian nuclear program (if one is reached)!  The level of disrespect shown by the letter is astounding!  The letter is a partisan attempt by the Republicans to scuttle efforts by the United States and five other countries to agree on a plan that prevents Iran from developing a nuclear weapon.   It explicitly implies that the Congress or a future president of the United States may overturn an Executive Agreement signed by the President. While the removal of current Congressional sanctions against Iran would require approval by the Senate, the President can negotiate Executive Agreements with other nations under his inherent powers.  

A European negotiator said the six power group - the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China - was generally unified but voiced concern that the Obama administration was under pressure due to concerns the Republican-led Congress might wreck any agreement.  Clearly, this letter disparages the office of the presidency and demonstrates the dysfunctional state of political discourse in the Congress.  Now there is a letter from 367 members of the House of Representatives (piling on?) telling the President in essence that any Iranian nuclear agreement must "foreclose any pathway to a bomb" before they will lift sanctions against Tehran.   Any a "gift" from North Korea?  When does the bombing begin?  The fact is those signing the letter simply want to kill the deal, and if that harms the Presidency, so be it!  There is something different about today's politics and the Republicans our way or the highway agenda that includes:
  • ·          First, repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA); the consequences be  damned                    
  • ·      Second, deny/minimize any accomplishments by the Obama Administration
  • ·      Third, deny there is a need to fund plans to combat Climate Change
  • ·      Fourth,  do not compromise with the President and the Democrats
Perhaps if they spell the word ..."R-E-S-P-E-C-T"... a few times, they will be able to show some for the Office (just a little bit)!


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