Do You Have Trust In...
The Poll Workers and The DOJ, and Are They Ready?
Posted by Wiley, 11/05/2012
Over the years there have been a variety of concerns about the voting system in the United States, from equipment (old, outdated in many cases, etc.) to operational requirements (staffing, production capabilities, etc.) to validation (accuracy). However with all the concerns and problems in the past (including Bush v. Gore and all the "hanging chads" questions), the voting process itself has enjoyed a level of respect, integrity, AND TRUST...UNTIL NOW! SUDDENLY, REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED STATES ARE ENACTING PHOTO ID LAWS TO "STOP VOTER FRAUD" WHEN THERE IS VIRTUALLY NO EVIDENCE OF ANY SUBSTANTIVE LEVEL OF SUCH ACTIVITIES. THIS APPEARS TO BE AIMED AT SUPPRESSING SOME VOTERS DESIRE TO VOTE FOR THE PRESIDENT (PRIMARILY MINORITIES) WHILE SUPPORTING THOSE PEOPLE WHO DISLIKE THE PRESIDENT AND THEREFORE, IN THEIR MINDS, MAY BELIEVE HIM TO BE CAPABLE OF SUCH ACTS. ONE BIG PROBLEM: HE IS ENCOURAGING EVERY VOTER TO VOTE.
A new wrinkle with voter suppression potential has been introduced in Ohio: "Four days before Election Day, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted emphasized to boards of elections a step that voters who use provisional ballots on Tuesday will have to take. Voters will be obligated to write on the provisional ballot form what type of ID they show at the polls and not rely on poll workers to do it for them, according to the directive issued late Friday afternoon."
A federal court has been asked to throw out the measure. Usually, provisional ballots are cast on Election Day because a person reports to a polling place where he or she is not assigned to vote.
Can You Trust 24/7 Cable Television News?
Posted by Wiley, 10/26/2012
“Talk” Cable Television News (TCTN) is the name Wiley has given the 3 main 24/7 cable news networks in the United States, because they appear more and more to resemble "Talk Radio" rather than television journalism. By Wiley's analysis, the "Talk"Cable Television News content consists of about 80 percent opinion and about 20 actual news. IIn general, they do provide a forum for both pro and anti-Government views. However, anyone watching or listening with anything less than a partisan view has to cringe at how often you hear someone say on the TCTN that “YOU CAN'T TRUST THE GOVERNMENT”. Surely (in the minds of most people), that statement is far too broad to be taken seriously on its face; however, there are people who believe it to be true and who will cite many examples of Government poor performance and even malfeasance. Among their main culprits are the Environmental Protection Agency, The Transportation Agency, and the Commerce Department. On the other hand, these people will cite the defense aspects of the Military side of the Government in favorable terms IN PURCHASING OF WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENT without recognizing OTHER private sector benefits. For example, Wiley has not heard anyone on the TCTN HAIL THE GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) as a SUPER-STAR, HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL, JOB CREATING (over 3 million last count) GOVERNMENT PROJECT (U. S. Air Force, which maintains control). Few, if any, private sector businesses could have taken the 20 years of development costs (launched in 1975, became operational in 1995) prior to a return on investment (ROI). The GPS has over 5 million users and it has become a must-have and TRUSTED navigational tool today! BUT, DON'T TRUST THE GOVERNMENT!
Do You Trust The Government of Hawaii?
The “trust” factor also includes the questions on the President’s place of birth and eligibility to be president. Most people know that extensive background investigations are conducted before anyone is allowed to see highly classified information. It’s hard to imagine the Bush administration's Justice Department failing TO VERIFY A CANDIDATE’S ELIGIBILITY TO BE PRESIDENT AND TO SEE THE INFORMATION. On a broader scale, the questions imply that a state in America (Hawaii) would participate in a fraud against its fellow states.
How deep in the minds of people does such distrust off Government exist? Could it delay the development of projects to fight the coming battles over the debt or climate change? Will the TCTN be an asset in the fight to save the planet, or JUST ANOTHER SHADOW ON THE ROAD? DOES THE SHADOW KNOW?
Copyright©MBG Company, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Reproduction of materials from any MBG Company, Inc., pages without written permission is strictly prohibited.
Do You Have Trust In...
The Poll Workers and The DOJ, and Are They Ready? (CONTINUED)
In at least twenty-four states any random person is authorized, if they feel so inclined, to question individual voters and ask them to “prove” their eligibility to vote. As restrictive and complicated Voter ID laws have passed state-by-state, conservative groups have realized there’s good leveraging in voter registration challenges and poll watcher training.
While getting trained to learn how to perform a task is generally a good thing, there are some tasks that present obstacles for which other training is needed. If, for example, the poll watcher training included instructions on creating distractions for poll workers, and/or creating disturbances in the voting lines, the poll workers would need to be prepared and trained for such tactics. At this juncture, it is unclear as to the what tactics the conservative groups will coach their supporter to use in what clearly appears to be a major voter suppression effort. Possible tactics might include:
- trying to challenge the authority of Poll Workers and other officials
- spreading rumors and distributing false information to voters,waiting in long lines
- producing fake Government documents urging voters to take disqualifying action(s)
Houston-based True the Vote, self-proclaimed poll integrity organization, has pledged to deploy a virtual army of watchers to sniff out alleged voter fraud at polling stations in Texas and elsewhere across the nation. With Election Day only four days off, the Justice Department is planning to send 780 observers to polls in 23 states including Texas, California and New York. DOJ regularly sends Election Day observers to guarantee ballot access under the Civil Rights Act of 1965. On Tuesday, they’ll be on the lookout for whether voters are subjected to different voting qualifications or procedures based on race or speaking a language other than English.</blockquote>
However, with the levels of sophistication available for training using various computer software and simulation techniques, handling poll watcher challenges could become a very difficult endeavor. Hopefully, the POLL WORKERS and the DOJ are prepared.
Copyright©MBG Company, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Reproduction of materials from any MBG Company, Inc., pages without written permission is strictly prohibited.
Wall Street, Truth In Green Eye Shades
Posted October 12, 2012 by Wiley
Yes, there are those times and places WHEtRE GOVERNMENT HAS FAILED! For example, after Congress kicked the Government (that’s us. Y’all, “We the people…”) under the bus (out of the way) on regulations in 1993 (killing Glass-Seagul banking rules, with help from the Federal Reserve and the President), Wall Street began a growth spurt that grew faster and taller than Jack’s Beanstalk. They began to use more sophisticated software that enabled and enhanced the development and packaging of sophisticated new “paper products” centered around derivatives and credit default swaps (an insurance program that provides a hedge against an investment loss). With tremendous amounts of the new “paper products” actual value dependent on real products such as mortgages which, at the time, were experiencing amazing growth rates, the beanstalk really took off! Now, Wiley is no green eye shades guy, but upon reading in 2006 that Wall Street was creating a billionaire a month, he became concerned that so much money would soon be accumulating at the top (with the 1 percent’s control of the Country’s wealth GROWING FROM 40% TO (YOUR GUESS PERCENT) IN 5 YEARS! Soon, he thinks, the money at the top will begin to attract more money like carbon to a carbon sink, with trickle down only a misplaced memory! JP Morgan-Chase, where is that 4 billion dollars?
Copyright©MBG Company, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved. Reproduction of materials from any MBG Company, Inc., pages without written permission is strictly prohibited.
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