(A Docu-drama-Blog Memo About The Presidency)
Posted by Wiley, June 11, 2016
There is an ill wind blowing "Bad Seeds" across the land. These "Bad Seeds" are carrying anti-government messages that once swallowed can create fear, distrust, and anger in people who are unhappy with their Government. The "Bad Seeds" are not new! Conservative Republicans in the U. S. Congress have been planting large crops of "Bad Seeds" and using them against "Big Government" for years with little or no success -- primarily because they refuse to compromise with the Democrats in Congress. Conservatism contains a distrust of Government -- especially "BIG" Government (i.e., Government that has too much influence and power over citizens). In fact, Conservatism does indeed adopt a much more doubtful view of the desirability of altering proven institutions and societal values. When Barack Obama won the 2008 Presidential Election. he became the first black man to hold the office. Conservative Republicans may have viewed his election as altering proven institutions and societal values. This, along with the issue of race, and other issues (e.g., White supremacy) may explain why on the night of his inauguration Conservative were busy planning an anti-Obama campaign to make him a one term President.

Barack Obama, 44th President of the United States
The fact that Obama's election came just as the Country was falling into the second worst financial crisis since the crash of 1929 didn't cut any ice with the conservatives. They basically believed they could blame Obama, and the "right thinking" white population in the U. S. would believe them.
When Obama took office in 2008, conservative Republicans in the Country were visibly distraught. They were heard shouting on the streets, "I want my Country back!" Conservatives in many parts of the Country took up the challenge! They held protests, cultivated new crops of "Bad Seeds", and wrote new rules for their members in Congress to follow to help get "their Country" back:
- Swallow more "Bad Seeds"; (the messages are now able to change moderate Republicans to conservative via social media)
- Never compromise with Democrats
- Never "fist bump" with Obama!
- DISCRIMINATE! Piss on every parade not led by a true Conservative
However, while the Republicans were writing their "new" rules, the man from Chicago took over! He heard the people at town the hall meetings shouting "I want my Country back!" He stayed cool. The President's team and their supporters put the welfare of the Country first; unhindered and uncontrolled by ideology, ethnicity, or racism! With great patience and determination, the Obama Administration rescued the Country from what could have been potentially the worst financial crisis since 1929. The crisis was avoided primarily through the President's leadership and support for the use of Government funds to bailout the Country's financial and automobile industries.
The Republicans won majority control of both houses of Congress in the 2010 off-year elections. They were determined to reduce the size of the Government, and if that made it dysfunctional and killed the economy, the price would be all right for the far right!
What have they done since their victory? They have voted over 60 times to repeal the Affordable Care Act (failing each time). They have forced the Federal Government to shut down (at a cost of 24 billion dollars) and installed the "Hatchet Act" to cut down any sign of compromise with the Democrats.
The Republicans were very optimistic about winning the 2012 election for President. On election night, not very long after the polls closed, the "Breaking News" from the broadcast media informed the world that Barack Obama had been re-elected as President of the United States! Upon hearing that news, those with anti-government views cried out, "We have lost our Country... again"!
Under President Barack Obama's leadership, the U. S. economy has recovered. The economy added private sector jobs for 75 consecutive months, that resulted in a total of 14.5 million new jobs for the period. However, the conservatives will not quit. They appear to have adopted the word "NO" and accepted the "Bad Seeds"as their main approach to governing. They may also believe that if they swallow more "Bad Seeds" they they will overcome their fears of the future. While there is now some more light in the tunnel, there are many miles to go, and we will miss having Barack Obama with us along the way!
The Republicans won majority control of both houses of Congress in the 2010 off-year elections. They were determined to reduce the size of the Government, and if that made it dysfunctional and killed the economy, the price would be all right for the far right!
What have they done since their victory? They have voted over 60 times to repeal the Affordable Care Act (failing each time). They have forced the Federal Government to shut down (at a cost of 24 billion dollars) and installed the "Hatchet Act" to cut down any sign of compromise with the Democrats.
Under President Barack Obama's leadership, the U. S. economy has recovered. The economy added private sector jobs for 75 consecutive months, that resulted in a total of 14.5 million new jobs for the period. However, the conservatives will not quit. They appear to have adopted the word "NO" and accepted the "Bad Seeds"as their main approach to governing. They may also believe that if they swallow more "Bad Seeds" they they will overcome their fears of the future. While there is now some more light in the tunnel, there are many miles to go, and we will miss having Barack Obama with us along the way!
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