Friday, July 18, 2014

The Disaster Files: Concerns for The Future #1

A Supreme“ Court “Change” 
Posted by Wiley, July 12, 2014

 According to Alvin Toffler, in his book "Future Shock", 1970, New York, Random House, (p. 3), "Change is the process  by which the future invades our lives"

"Hold Back The Future" seems to be the wish of the far right in the Congress as they seek to slow the social advances by women and minorities in the United States.  They have attacked voting rights laws and health care laws that are designed to help prevent discrimination against minorities and women and provide better access to health care insurance for the uninsured.   Recent rulings by the Supreme Court and new policies and laws at the State level will clearly hinder, and could even stop the forward progress of many people!  The Hobby Lobby decision is a case in point.  Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, 573 U.S. ___ (2014), is a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court allowing closely held for-profit corporations to be exempt from a law they religiously object to if there is a viable and least restrictive means of furthering the law's interest. The case is the first time that the court has recognized a for-profit corporation's claim of religious belief, but it is limited to closely held corporations under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).  The decision was described in the dissent as  one of "startling breadth"meaning the full ramifications will likely be greater than expected. The  important point here is that the Holly Lobby and voting rights issues cannot hold back the future.  The following scenario envisions a post Holly Lobby  “Benefits Meeting" between an employee and an administrator.

Active Affordable Care Act (AACA), Case NO.  350,000 
Young woman (all dressed in black): I want child support!
Young Conservative Bureaucrat:  Who and where is this baby Daddy?
Young woman (all dressed in black):  The “XYZ” Corporation is this baby Daddy.
Young Conservative Bureaucrat:  A Corporation can’t be a Daddy.  Corporations just make money!
Young woman (all dressed in black):  That was before they got religion, outlawed contraception, and gave me this baby through immaculate conception.  It was all blessed by 5 Gods called Justices of the Supreme Court!  I am in mourning  for their very souls!
Young Conservative Bureaucrat: Can I get back to you later?
