Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Widening Divide - Phase II

What’s New?
Posted by Wiley, 09/27/13
There are anti-Government groups and individuals who believe the worst rumors, gossip, and outright lies about the President  of the United States and his policies.  Such beliefs reflect the growing divide in the United States in this 21st Century between Democrats and Republicans (the ”Left” and the “Right”), the rich and the poor; and the rich and the middle class. The disparity between the rich and the middle class has increased the most: the richest Americans (90th percentile), went from making a median of $85,800 in 1967 to $138,900  in 2010– a 62 percent increase. Median income households went from $40,800 in 1967 to $49,400, just a 21 percent increase!  The middle class is hurting! 
What’s new is really old: the racial divide. When the White woman at the town hall meeting in 2011 said, “I want my Country back!”, she was making in essence the charge leveled in the trial of the Scottsboro Boys in 1931: a Black man took it from me!   Does “race” make “compromise” more difficult, or does race and compromise become words to avoid if you are trying to force people to accept your anti-Government views? 
Under the anti-Government agenda, there is no room for compromise because in their view, they are right and all others are wrong.  People in the T-Party are urging their elected members in the Congress to shut down the Government unless the Government agrees to their demand to defund the Affordable Health Care Act, a new law designed to help the poor and the middle class.
Posted by Wiley, 09/27/13
Surely, the threat of a Shutdown will induce the President and/or his Party (the Democrats) to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act (AHCA); surely, repealing the AHCA will reduce the disparity in income between the rich and the middle class. 
SURELY NOT because the T-Party members have a higher goal: they want their country back!  Damn the cost! In the meantime, many anti-Government advocates are circulating petitions to secede from the U. S. A.  The T-Party is taking the Republican Party back to the 1948 South and the States Rights Dixiecrats!