Friday, October 5, 2012


In these remaining days before the year 2012 national elections, the United States sits as a house so divided the tenants are in need of a "time-out" room!    In this divided house there exists a body called Congress, a place where laws are enacted,and budgets are passed,and (once upon a time) differences of opinion were respected. In Wiley's nearly four score years, he has never seen a political divide so wide in the United States. Bills are passed in one body of the Congress (the House) that are killed in the Senate with the reverse happening to Senate bills in the House, The divide is primarily due to ideological differences. This divide is so wide it may take years to close (or what may seem like forever). The House is particularly worrisome because while its Republicans and Democrats speak on many things, today they barely agree on anything.

One of the vivid images of this time that captures the essence of the growing divide in the Country is provided through a video from a Town Hall Meeting in 2009. It shows a woman waving her arms and angrily shouting "I want my Country back!"( sept. 30,2009) It is unknown if anyone asked her: Who took your Country lady? How did they do it? To date, no direct answers to the questions, but the Democrats and the Black President and the Pollsters are probably the prime suspects.